10 Casablanca projects : A Streetcar Named Desire

The expansion of the Casa Tramway system, with the addition of new lines and modernized services, is set to redefine urban mobility in the economic capital.



Why it matters

Casablanca residents move around extensively for work or personal activities, making 7.8 million trips annually. They navigate the city’s extensive layout, which stretches 55 km from east to west and 35 km from north to south. This data is from the latest Urban Mobility Plan (PDU) adopted in 2009, which is currently being revised by the Société de Développement Local (SDL) Casablanca Transport.

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What has already been accomplished

This reality has prompted local authorities to establish a comprehensive public transportation system, encompassing a network of nearly 100 km, including tramway lines, busways, and bus lines. Following the launch of the Casa Tramway lines T1 and T2 in 2012 and 2019 respectively, the SDL is set to inaugurate two new lines next June.

According to our sources, « the two new lines are already completed, and 18 of the 40 trains required for their operation have already been delivered. »

According to our sources, « the two lines are already completed, and 18 of the 40 trains required for their operation have already been delivered, » and the project represents an investment of 7 billion dirhams.

While waiting for the delivery of the remaining trains, the comprehensive testing program, which began in February with the aim of ensuring « a future service that is reliable, secure, and sustainable, » will conclude on March 30, 2024.

What will be done

Ultimately, the Casa Tramway system will extend to the outskirts of the city, connecting various key points. The first line, spanning 31 km, will run from Sidi Moumen to Lissasfa, passing through the Casa Voyageurs and Oasis stations. The second line, measuring 23 km, will traverse the Aïn Diab-Sidi Bernoussi axis, stopping at Beauséjour, Hay Mohammadi, and Aïn Sebaâ.

Line 3, covering 14 km, will serve the Casa Port-Lahraouiyine axis, while Line T4, stretching 12 km, will connect Boulevard Okba Ibnou Nafiaa to the Parc de la Ligue arabe, passing through Boulevard du Nil and Boulevard Oulad Ziane.

In addition to these four tramway lines, two dedicated busway lines, Casa Busway BW1 and BW2, will form part of the dedicated public transport network (TCSP) of the metropolis.

Inaugurated on March 1, these new transportation options are noted for “the speed and reliability of the buses, the wide service hours, the high frequency of services, as well as the comfort and modernity of the vehicles,” according to SDL Casa Transport.

The Casabusway BW1 line connects the Salmia district to Lissasfa over a distance of 12.5 km, while BW2, covering 12 km, links the town of Errahma to the Oulmès Roundabout on Boulevard Ghandi. This transportation network will be enhanced by a restructured bus network, eventually comprising 55 lines.

Who is financing it

The project for implementing the « Transport en Commun en Site Propre » (TCSP) involved an investment of 16 billion dirhams. This investment was financed by SDL Casablanca Transport, which, in July 2021, received a capital increase of 686 million dirhams to support these projects.

Written in French by Younes Saoury, edited in English by Eric Nielson

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