Booking: why Moroccan hoteliers reject payment in foreign currencies

Moroccan hotels continue to seek the cancellation of commission payments in foreign currencies imposed by a year ago. A meeting is scheduled for next September between the professional federation and the Dutch platform in hopes of finding a compromise.


Le siège de Booking, à Amsterdam. Crédit: Jas Rolyn / Unsplash

The standoff continues between hoteliers and the online booking platform A year after the Dutch group’s decision to impose payment of commissions in foreign currencies, Moroccan operators are still pushing for its cancellation. According to Lahcen Zelmate, president of the National Federation of the Hotel Industry (FNIH [French acronym]), a meeting is scheduled for next September to find a new « ground for compromise » between the two parties.

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In preparation for this meeting, the Federation has launched a benchmark to assess the requirements imposed in other countries where the platform operates, including Tunisia, Turkey, Egypt, France, and Spain. « We decided to conduct this benchmark to present a detailed study of what is happening in other countries that are exempt from the obligation to pay commissions to Booking in euros. Turkish hoteliers were in the same situation as us a few years ago and managed to cancel this obligation. We hope for the same outcome, » said the president of the FNIH to TelQuel.

According to him, this decision has increased the burden on professionals, who now have to deal with additional costs related to exchange rate fluctuations, whereas the majority of the revenue collected by in Morocco comes from bookings made by Moroccan clients who pay in dirhams.

Currency leakage

A year ago, justified its decision in an email sent to industry professionals in July 2023, citing a change in the requirements of Bank Al-Maghrib. However, the central bank denied this claim a few days later. « Bank Al-Maghrib did not issue any specific instructions in this regard. This is a matter that could potentially fall under the government or the Office of Foreign Exchange. The central bank does not involve itself in payment methods or currencies chosen for specific services; this is outside its intervention scope, » explained the Director of Banking Supervision, Hiba Zahoui.

An email was sent to the Minister of Tourism, Handicrafts, and Social and Solidarity Economy, Fatim-Zahra Ammor, on July 14, 2023, to denounce Booking’s « unilateral » decision that harms the interests of national operators. They also called on the supervising minister to intervene with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Economy and Finance to maintain commission payments in dirhams. This effort has yet to yield results.

« This is a high-level discussion; the federation alone cannot stand up to a giant like Booking. It is in the state’s interest to support us to prevent currency outflows abroad, » emphasizes Lahcen Zelmat. Despite the new regulations, Moroccan hoteliers find it difficult to forgo Booking’s services in favor of other platforms, whether foreign or national, due to the Dutch group’s monopoly and global reputation.

« Just like with Google or Facebook, it’s almost impossible to do without their services. When you see Booking’s spending on SEO and advertising, other platforms cannot compete. We want to maintain a good relationship with Booking and strengthen this partnership, while ensuring our interests are protected. We need to find a compromise where no one loses, » insists the president of the FNIH.

Written in French by Safae Hadri, edited in English by Eric Nielson